Seismo-Tectonics on the Eastern Japan Sea Plate Boundary

My View about Seismicity around Niigata Region
---Extra edition---

海陸風1 海風と陸風 Sea-land winds 1. Sea wind and land wind

Figure 1. Sea wind occur because of rising air currents over land. タイトル

図2. 陸地では下降気流が起きて陸風が吹く.
Figure 2. On land, downdrafts occur and land wind blow.

 海陸風は局地的に生じる大気の循環です.いつでも起きる現象ではなくて,「穏やかに晴れた日」でないとはっきりわかりません.このような日の日中,内陸の地表付近の空気が太陽放射で暖められて上昇します.数百mほど上昇した空気が,この高さの上空を海側へ移動し,比較的冷たい海で冷やされて海面まで下降します.この空気は地表付近の低空を上空とは反対方向の海側から陸側へ移動し,上昇気流が生じて空気が足りなくなった陸地に引き込まれて海風となります(図3 左).
 反対に,夜は比較的暖かい海で上昇気流が生じます.やはり数百mほど上昇した空気は陸側へ移動し,放射冷却で冷えた陸地で下降気流となります.冷えた空気は地表に沿って,上昇気流が生じて空気が足りなくなった海へ向かって移動する陸風になるのです(図3 右).
Figure 3. During the day, the air near the surface inland is warmed by solar radiation and rises. Air that rises several hundred meters above this height moves toward the sea, is cooled by the relatively cold ocean, and then falls to the sea surface. This air moves at a low altitude near the earth's surface from the sea side to the land side in the opposite direction from the sky, creating an updraft that is drawn into the land where there is insufficient air and becomes a sea wind (left). At night, updrafts occur in relatively warm oceans. After all, the air that has risen several hundred meters moves toward the land and becomes a downdraft over the land, which has cooled due to radiation cooling. The cooled air becomes a land wind that moves along the earth's surface, creating updrafts and moving toward the sea, where there is insufficient air (right).



図4. 黄色枠が陸風で緑色枠が海風.正午頃と午後6時頃に変化しています.
Figure 4. The yellow frame is land breeze and the green frame is sea breeze. It changes around noon and around 6pm.


図5. 黄色枠が陸風で緑色枠が海風.午前9時頃と午後6時頃に変化しています.
Figure 5. The yellow frame is land wind and the green frame is sea wind. It changes from around 9am to around 6pm.


Niigata University of Pharmacy and Medical and Applied Life Sciences ,Part-time Lecturer (Earth Science)

・トップページ 日本海東縁のプレート境界
Top page. Plate boundary on the eastern edge of the Japan Sea[19.6.19]

Recent seismic activity in Niigata Prefecture[19.6.19]

Tsunamis caused by submarine landslides and volcanoes[19.1.1掲載]

・活断層とは ―重要なところは隠れている―
What is an active fault? -Important parts are hidden-[16.8.11]

Plate boundary on the eastern edge of the Japan Sea [16.6.19]

Niigata Earthquake/Showa Bridge collapse

Echigo's great tsunami legend[15.9.11]

Tsunami damage in Echigo and Sado, legend of the great tsunami in Echigo

・失われた陸地 ―康平図にある島々の意味―
Lost Land: The Meaning of the Islands in the Kohei Map[12.8.1]

Shinano River earthquake zone and topography/geology

Earthquake rumbling. Predicted earthquake[15.10.13]

Fault movement of the Shinshu Omachi earthquake[14.11.23]

・三条地震の一つ前の地震 ―「四万石地震」(西蒲原地震)―
The earthquake before the Sanjo Earthquake - "Shimangoku Earthquake" (Nishikanbara Earthquake) -[12.9.1]

・信濃川地震帯の長期予知 ―最悪のシナリオを…―
Long-term prediction of the Shinano River earthquake zone - worst case scenario...[12.8.26]

Kimei Koizumi, Soken and Sanjo Earthquake

Source fault of the Chuetsu/Chuetsu-Oki Earthquake

Fault line of Chuetsu-oki Earthquake[16.6.30]

Massive collapse of Tsunan Town Tomaru [16.5.10]

About liquefaction

Is the buried tree under the alluvial plain a relic of the Echigo tsunami?[23.9.16]

********* 以下は番外編 *********

Sea wind and land wind[19.1.3掲載]

Land and sea winds and disasters[19.1.3掲載]

Land and sea winds and radioactive contamination zone from the nuclear power plant disaster[19.1.3掲載]

When does it become Satoyuki?[18.1.25掲載]

Main papers and summaries of recent conference presentations

Author profile, topics other than earthquake geology (top page)